Monday, September 24, 2012

Florida trip (days 1 and 2) and School Update

First, Liam had his second day of school last Tuesday.  He went right in, sat down, blew me a kiss and had an AMAZING day!  No tears and stayed dry again all day.  He is SOOO ready this year.  Hope tomorrow is the same after he missed last Thursday.  But, for good reason...we had an AH-mazing trip to my parent's condo in Florida!!!

We flew out last Wednesday at 2 pm, hoping the kids would nap on the plane, but um, nope.  They were still REALLY good though!!!  Rick and I passed Rowan back and forth.  She only wants to run around now, so keeping her seated was quite the challenge, but overall, it was really smooth!  My mom and dad had been there since Sunday, so we arrived to some snacks, drinks, and pizza and a clean, spotless, very homey feeling place!  I am so happy for them that they have this place.  It is in such an amazing location and we just all have a lot of fun there!!!

Thursday was the best day weather wise, so good thing we went to the pool for a little bit.
How sweet is this???

That afternoon after nap, we had a dance party.  Both kids just love to dance these days and it is the cutest!
Rowan cried the first few times my dad tried to talk to her...she was FOR SURE playing hard to get because she was GLUED to him the rest of the week...just followed him around.  SO ADORABLE!!!

That night, we headed around the corner to an outside bar and grill.  YUMMY food and great atmosphere.  Here are the kids walking around with my dad looking at the boats after dinner.  SO FUN!
I just love this time with the grandparents!!!  Kids just woke up from nap, so this is to be continued....  :)

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