Friday, April 27, 2012


So, this is the way the week has been going and the way my Friday started out...Rowan was up at 6:15 for the day.  Had a MASSIVE explosive diaper at 6:45--all over the carpet, me and her.  I mean it was in her armpits.  OMG  While I took her up for a bath, I forgot I had been heating the breastmilk on the stove for her cereal.  Yep, as you see from above, I nearly burned our house down.  Downstairs was FILLED with smoke and it still stinks.  It was very close to starting a fire, so I am just glad I remembered when I did.  THANK GOD my housekeeper comes this morning.  This place is a DISASTER area!

Anyway, on a lighter note, IT IS FRIDAY!  My favorite day of the week.  Liam and I have really been struggling with behaviors outside of the house this week.  Like throwing himself down at the park, throwing woodchips at other kids, taking EVERY toy from Rowan, screaming and whining, just to name a few.  So, to end this week with happy thoughts, here are some of my FAVES for FRIDAY...only have time for 5 this week.  ;)

1.  Kisses and hugs from my kids.  Rowan has been leaning in with her slobbery mouth and cuddling up on my shoulder ALL OF THE TIME.  I.LOVE.IT!  Liam is the sweetest with his kisses and hugs.  He just wraps those little arms around me and I melt.

2.  The festival outing we have planned for tomorrow.  Can't wait.

3.  I met a new friend randomly at Tuesday morning this past week, where we both just needed to get out of the house because kids were nuts.  Got into a stroller traffic jam and talked for an hour.  She has twins, just moved here 2 weeks ago, and is just super sweet.  They are going to follow us to the festival tomorrow since they do not know there way around too well.  Always love meeting new people!

4.  I conquered 3.5 miles this week and felt GREAT!  Really looking forward to the race next Saturday.

5.  I am babysitting tonight for Vicki and am really looking forward to some alone time to finish my book club book.  (and 5.5 would be that book club is on Tuesday...I missed last month and can't wait to see the group and chat!)


Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Family Pictures

How she captured this VERY short moment I will never know!  We LOVE the way this picture turned out and cannot wait to see the rest!!!
One more sneak peak...
Me and my sweet girl!!!  We did a costume change half way through.  I actually really like her in this dress!!!  I thought I would like the other dress in the pics better, but I know I am partial, however, I think she looks PERFECT!!  And so thankful to my sweet friend Annie for the last minute ADORABLE bow! 

We took these pics at the lake behind our house mainly because it was driving to a location just to get our outfits all wrinkled with a screaming baby who decided she does not like her carseat again in the new car.  :/  But, I could not be happier with the background.  They were scheduled for Saturday the 21st, but OF COURSE, Liam got whacked with a swing at the park last Thursday and had a HUGE bruise on his cheek.  We rescheduled for Monday evening at 6 pm after dinner.  We are so thankful to Laine for being so accommodating and flexible!!! 
Liam was a tad cranky. M and Ms did the trick half way through.  And poor Rowan got her first boo boos from taking a few pics on the cement.  Her ankles were facing out when we posed her on the bridge and the cement rubbed the skin right off...poor girl barely cried.  She was not very smiley...I should have known because she never really is in the evening.  And she has also been a little weird with strangers lately.  All in all, it went GREAT!  Daddy and mommy did partake in a beer when all was over though, just to relax a bit.  ;)   So happy my friend Kristi gave me her name.  Laine Johnson is the best!!!!

Monday, April 23, 2012

The Blake Swagger Wagon

Well we did it.  I decided in the shower on Saturday morning that we would spend the day shopping for minivans.  Rick was all for it.  We have been talking about this forever, but with two kiddos it is tough to find the time.  So Rick has been online shopping for a LOOOONG time and we had both decided our first choice would be the Nissan Quest.  We did not want our payment to go up more than 30 dollars per month.  We really did not NEED a new car, but were SOOOO looking forward to extra space.  We also decided we would be open to leasing since we do not plan on having a mini van for TOOOO long of a time!!! 

So, with that being said we headed out to Nissan of Mckinney at 10 am. 
Liam had a meltdown as soon as we got there, but after some free bagels and cookies, he was good to go.  Rowan was an angel the whole time because of course she was getting lots of attention from everyone!!
Long and short, and I will not bore you with the details, we spent 3.5 hours there only for them to tell us they could not get our payment to where we wanted to not even close.  Rick was FURIOUS.  They do A LOT of lolly gagging and it did get pretty old after a while.
We left with no car and two tired kiddos.  Rowan fell asleep in the carseat before we even left the parking lot, so we decided to pull into the Volkswagon Dealer next door, just to see what they had going on. 
Right away, we saw a black (the color we prefered) with tan leather interior on the lot.  The sale tag had it listed for 23000!  We got very excited thinking it was brand new...close enough, it was a 2011, with only 6500 miles.  Space was great, drove great, automatic doors-check, but the only thing it was really missing was a DVD. 
Within 45 minutes, we negotiated the price we wanted (well 35 dollars more than what we are paying now per month--but still VERY close to what we wanted!!!) and they are putting in a 10 inch DVD for us this week which was all included in the price.  They were super NICE, helpful, and efficient with everything they did...which with 2 kids in tow, we greatly appreciated!!!!!
We have NEVER done ANYTHING this fast so I did stress myself out when we got home (at 5:30!!! pm) asking Rick repeatedly if he thought we made the right decision.  It was def. the best for us right now.  Insurance went down too which was great AND it is better on gas, so everything kinda evened out!  Liam LOVES it.  He can climb in and out on his own and roam around inside when we are parked or at home.
Here is a pic of our new swagger wagon and the youtube video we are OBSESSED with.  We watched it so many times over the weekend and laughed harder each time.

 Mommy rode in the back on our way to get ice cream!
My little buddy eating frozen yogurt after dinner and a loooong day of car shopping.  He was such a good boy!!


Friday, April 20, 2012

Fifty Favorite Things for Friday

Kind of a spin off of some cool posts my friends have done.  ;)

Some faves for this Friday....

1.  My kids are napping right now at the SAME TIME!
2.  My feet are up on the couch and I feel relaxed.
3.  It is FRIDAY!
4.  Rowan slept 8-6 last night.  I pray, she keeps that up!
(notice the sleep/relaxed theme?!?!?)  ;)
5.  I was able to catch up with two great ladies this past Wednesday and had so much fun.
6.  My sister is expecting #2.
7.  My husband loves so unconditionally.  And is so, super understanding.
8.  General Hospital--which is on TV right now.  I am OBSESSED!
9. them every day and they are without a doubt, my fave food.  Do not know what I would do without them.
10.  Wine.  Which I will be drinking in t minus 2.5 hours.
11.  My brother is doing well.
12.  All of the fun things we have planned for the next few weekends.
13.  We were able to postpone family pictures til Monday evening after Liam had a run in with a swing at the park yesterday and bruised his face.
14.  Liam is okay from his run in with the swing.
15.  The way Liam makes Rowan giggle.
16.  The recent weather we have been having.
17.  Our evening routine.  (Rick comes home at 5 and plays with the kids while I run.  We prepare/grill dinner, eat, and then take a walk and play outside til 7.  At 7, we do pjs, baths, snacks, and some more playtime and bed is by 8.)
18.  The book I am reading and HOPING to finish this week...Defending Jacob.
19.  Watching movies with Rick on the weekends.  (when I can stay awake)
20.  The way I feel after a run.
21.  Salads...been eating one for lunch every day lately.
22.  Liam ate red meat last night...leftover steak AND half of a burger.
23.  Liam smiled, laughed, talked, and giggled all morning.
24.  Liam's speech teacher was very impressed with him on Wednesday.
25.  Rowan's there anything sweeter than a toothless baby??
26.  Rowan's thighs..want to eat them!
27.  Liam told me when he had poo in his diaper today.
28.  Sprouts.  Seriously so happy when I am in that store.
29.  Pedicures--which I hope to get one thisweekend.
30.  Target
31.  Decaf coffee with cinnamon vanilla creamer...MAKES.MY.MORNING.
32.  Liam's and Rowan's hands and feet.
33.  My nephew.  Cannot wait to squeeze him in 2 months.
34.  Rowan's dress for her Baptism on June 23rd.  It was my sister, Kristen's!
35.  Summer clothes...for me and SOOO much easier dressing the kids.
36.  Rompers on Rowan.
37.  Shiner's Spring Beer...super yummy.
38.  Calling Rick during the work day...bad, I know, but I just like to tell him a whole bunch of nothing and hear his voice.
39.  Modern Family
40.  Cougar Town
42.  Watching my children learn new things.
43.  Seeing the look on my childrens' faces when something you have been trying and trying to teach them, "clicks".
44.  Liam's blonde hair and beautiful eyes.
45.  Feeding Rowan new foods..I am sneaking in so many great green veggies by using those pouches of mixed fruits and veggies.  They are expensive but she is eating spinach, broccoli, zucchini and she does not even know!  And she looooooooves bananas or prunes with anything.  I think she may be a smoothie girl down the road.  And she is going to love solid food...she loves her puffs.  Got a little off track there, but it is so exciting to me for some reason!
46.  Nursing...although I am getting close to being ready to be done.  8 or 9 months will be the cut-off.
47.  Coupons
48.  Taking videos of the kiddos and capturing so many great moments.
49.  The computer.
50.  FRIDAY!!!!!  Especially pizza and wine and spending time with my hubby outback after the kids go to sleep, just listening to music and chatting.

What a random list...just what came to mind.  I realized I could have went on forever.  Great way to clearly see how blessed I am...especially after such a long week.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Looooong Week

We are having a bit of a rough week over here.  I am not sure if I am just super tired, if it was a touch of a stomach bug that we all seemed to have, or if I just want a day off.  :/  Rowan is STILL getting up 1-4 times a night and it is killing me.  I just wish she would sleep.  Teeth are no where in sight either so I have not idea what the problem is.  The whining from both has been brutal!!! 
Love them dearly though.  So I thought posting some cute pics would put me in a better mood over here.  I am so thankful and blessed and always need to remember that in these craaaaaaazy times!  ;)
playing under the table together...I think this is so cute
This adorable munchkin is into everything these days!  ;)
Liam is into imitating everyone...even his baby sis!
They sure do love each other!!!!

So here's to lots of patience today (and knowing I have a little girl's night planned for tonite that will include wine may just get me through the madness!)  ;)

Monday, April 16, 2012

The Weekend

Nothing too much to was OH.SO.RELAXING!!!

Friday night, after our pizza, I made a trip to Buy Buy Baby to buy a new breast pump.  HA!  Very exciting.  Just one part broke, but without it, it does not work; soooooo, since they do not sell just the one part, I had to buy a whole new one!
For just 50 dollars after coupon each time, it has served its purpose and then some.  ;)

When I got home, Rick and I sat out back and had a few beers and listened to some music.  SOOOOO relaxing.

Saturday morning, we cooked breakfast and Rick took the kiddos for a long walk while I got a long run in.  Feeling pretty good after four runs, just need to keep it up.  ;)  When we all got home, Rick fed Rowan lunch and Liam and I headed out to the library to "play" and check out some books.  It was a great date with my little buddy.  After the library, we went to Target so he could pick out a toy with the money Gmom sent him for Easter.  He picked out a HUGE keyboard.  I guess to add to the band theme we have going on in this house right now.  ;)  After Target, we picked up Chik Fil A for lunch and returned home for naps.

Rick worked on the lawn, while I relaxed and took a shower.  It is AWESOME that these kiddos are napping at the same time in the afternoon now.  WE.LOVE.IT. and can only hope it keeps up!!!!

After naps, my friend Ginny, who was in town from Houston came over for dinner.  We cooked bbq chicken and burgers on the grill.  TONS of food that we were able to have leftovers yesterday and lunch for Rick today.  LOVE THAT!  She left around 7:30 and Rick and I attempted to watch The Descendents with George Clooney.  I lasted til 9.  ;) 

Sunday morning, we were bad and skipped church.  It was just sooooo rainy, we did not want to drag the kids out.  We will go twice one weekend maybe.  ;)  It really was super relaxing though.  We stayed in our pjs all morning.  Rowan napped 10:30 til 11:45.  Last minute, we decided to go to the mall after her nap.  Liam rode the carousel and we walked around and did some shopping and some returns.  After the mall, Liam came home and napped.  Rowan took that short, 10 minute nap in the car and was done for the afternoon.  :/  When Liam woke up, we went out for a nice walk and then came home and heated up some left overs and Rick and I even split a bottle of red wine.  It tasted extra good and fit in nicely to the relaxing theme.  All of us were in bed by 9 pm! 

I guess I was so super relaxed, I forgot to take pics.  HA!   So no pics for this post!  

Today was back to the grind.  Grocery shopping in the morning.  Then, rushed off to Chik Fil A to meet Elizabeth, Annie and Kristi and their kiddos.  Liam's therapist met us there too which made it a little difficult to chat, but it was still fun to see everyone and let the kids burn off some energy.  He LOVES this therapist....tried to give her kisses and really seemed excited that she was there (despite some of his screaming and whining about not being able to take his cup into the play area! ;/)  I do think it is great that she wants to see him in social situations though, too. 

When we returned home, we took a walk and both kiddos took 1.5 hour naps---at the SAME TIME!  LOVE THAT! 

Hope everyone has a great week!!!

Saturday, April 14, 2012


I have really been feeling like Liam is not getting enough social interaction with kiddos his own age.  Cannot wait for him to start school again in Sept.  He is registered for Tuesday/Thursday at St. Francis again.  He is such a good boy and I am enjoying every minute being home with him, I just hope he is having the appropriate amount of peer interaction.

I LOVE my Moms group.  Unfortunately, there have not been too many things on the calendar to do for quite a while.  It is actually easier for me to host, so Rowan can take a good nap.  So, that is what I have been doing.  Trying to add something almost once a week.  Yesterday, we hosted a "TGIF Playdate".
Here are some pics.  It was a small group.  But, Liam had a BLAST!
So excited I skipped my nap!  ;/
Rowan's friends, Sophie and Finley came too!!!
Cole sporting the toolbelt and Rowan trying to sneak up on him!  ;)
the girls again ;)
silly boy playing peek a boo!
Z man!  This little guy just cracks me up.
My pic of sweet Aiden would not upload for some reason, but we were very happy to see him!
It was a great start to the weekend!  :-)

Friday, April 13, 2012

My Big Girl

So Rowan FINALLY decided to sit up on her own.  She is getting stronger by the day and this morning she sat for 5 minutes straight while playing a BALL--surprise!  ;)  She is toooo funny!  Discovering her voice in MANY ways this week.  VERY LOUDLY!  ;)  Love this cutie!
Sitting up with another one of her fave toys...the shaker.  Between Liam LOVING his drum this week, her loud talking, and was like we had a band here.  A very NOISY band!  Loved every minute of it!  TGIF!  ;)

Monday, April 9, 2012

Easter Weekend 2012

What a FUUUUUN weekend! 
Friday night, we had a wedding.  It was a girl who works for was like "the boss" invite.  ;)  Vicki came over to watch Liam and Rowan and she brought Z and Sophie for a while, so Liam was in heaven and thank goodness Rowan went down for the night pretty easily.  The wedding was fun and it was really nice to get dressed up with the hubby again for a night out!

Saturday was an early morning.  Rowan actually slept till 6 up once at 11 pm, did not even eat and went back until 6!  But then she was WIDE awake and ready to go at that time...I think Vicki is the baby whisperer or something!
We had plans to take Liam to an Egg Hunt at Elevate Life Church on Teel Pkwy. which started at 11 am.  Of course, Rowan took an extra long morning nap and woke up at the time we got out the door, it was 10:45 and we missed the egg hunt by FIVE minutes!!!  Darn naps!  I felt so bad for Liam...Rick even dropped me off and we RAN to the field just as the last few eggs were being spoken for.  :(  However, two different extra sweet kiddos saw that Liam did not have anything in his basket and shared some of their eggs with him.  Their parents should be very proud!  Of course, he is WELL aware now that they are filled with candy so he busted into all 3 right away!  He loves himself some sweets...just like dada!

After the hunt, we looked at the cars in the car show, I fed Rowan in their RIDICULOUSLY nice nursing room, and then we headed to Matitos for lunch.  It was SUCH a gorgeous day and we wanted to sit on the patio but it was all filled so we sat at a table inside facing the patio.  ;)
Rowan is always such a trooper!
Car just like pop used to have!
Rowan at lunch...she is still not very sturdy in the high chair...or sitting up :/

After lunch, we came home and both kiddos napped AT THE SAME TIME!  I am convinced they ONLY do this on the weekend, as Rowan is sitting right here with me after a 20 minute nap this afternoon....but it is nice to have that time with Rick.  We sat out back, filled the eggs for our egg hunt at home, hid the eggs, and then both even took a little catnap ourselves.  Liam woke up around 4, he ate a little snack and then quickly spied the eggs in the yard.  This year was just so much fun because he was SOOO aware of everything going on.  He kept yelling shoes, and turn (to turn the doorknob).  We headed out back to hunt the eggs down and he had so much fun.  Mommy and daddy learned not to put unwrapped jelly beans in the eggs and def. do not put them out in the yard too early---MOST eggs were covered in ants--UGH!  But we were able to salvage a few and Liam ate about 15 jelly beans, with some left over for later.
After the hunt, we played out back and then took a little walk around the neighborhood.  Then, it was time for dinner...steaks on the grill-my fave!  After dinner, we dyed eggs.  Liam thought it was hilarious when he would throw the egg to have "kelly" as he is calling me, catch it.  It was pretty funny but if I was not such a good catcher, could have really been a disaster!  ;)
Relaxing out back!
 Playing catch!  ;)
Both kiddos were sound asleep by 8 and we were so excited to put out the gifts.  Easter is SOOOO much easier than Christmas!  Took 10 minutes.  I bought Liam a play grill at Buy Buy Baby for 10 dollars!  It was the floor display and had some scratches and was missing the spatula so they took 20 dollars off!  Great deal and he loooooooved it!  Of course he loved the candy too and his crocs.  This boy is like his mama---LOVES shoes!  And Rowan got some Christmas presents we had not opened yet and a hooded towel.  ;)
Easter morning, Liam woke up at 6:30 (extra early) and super excited!  Rowan slept til 8 am, so it was nice alone time with the little man while he went through his presents from the Easter bunny. 
Church was at 9:30.  We got ready in record time and even had some time for pics out front. 
My handsome man!  Loving his pockets these days!
Me and my pretty girl~
My other handsome man and his pretty girl!
Both kids were soooo well behaved in church.  It is a joy taking them there every week.  After mass, we returned home to change diapers and find a place for brunch.  We decided to go to Gordon Biersch.  Did not need reservations and it was DELISH~not to mention 3 dollar mimosas!  ;)  There was a man playing some jazz.  Liam LOVED the music and got up to dance.  It was really cute. 
Liam finishing my fruit.  The breakfast burrito was amazing!  And you can see Rowan's ADORABLE fat arm.  Want to eat that on a daily basis.  And of course, the yummy mimosas! 
We returned home in the pouring rain and relaxed all day in our comfy clothes.  We were supposed to grill chicken ceasars for dinner, but the weather did not cooperate so we ordered chinese.  Random, but so good!
The kids in their favorite gear--diapers and nothing else!  How sweet is this!
Lastly, we did take them for pics with the Easter bunny last Wednesday night.  Rick met us at Willow Bend around 5 pm.  We wanted to avoid the weekend rush, so it really turned out to be a great time.  Both were wonderful as we waited only for 5 minutes.  The problem was that the bunny gave Liam his prize FIRST, before the pic, and I had to take it away...well, I could have let him hold it, but it was right in front of his face so....
these were the expressions we ended up with.  ;)
Happy Easter from the Blakes!

This week is back to reality!  I signed up for another race on May 5th so I need to re-train this tired body.  ;)  And Rick has a full week of work.  :(  But feel blessed to have every day with these beautiful babies!!!!

Liam Update

Well, I am SOOOOOOOOOOO happy to report my little man is making HUGE gains!  He had speech this morning and they were super impressed with his progress in just one week.  He is repeating EVERYTHING we say, but, more importantly USING so many of the words he is learning independently.  His personality is REALLY coming out.  Such a SWEET, sensitive, active little 2 year old.  We pray this continues!  Keeping the appt. with the developmental ped., but we are very hopeful that we will not even have to go.  Such relief and pure joy for him!!!!  :-) 
Look at this handsome guy...
Love my sweet boy and so proud of all of his hard work!!!  Keep it up buddy!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Rowan in 6 months

OMG!  I cannot even believe it!
She is talking a lot still.  Rolling ALLLLLL OVER the place to get what she wants.  I just think it is so funny because Liam never did this.  She can barely scooch and is not crawling, but she knows what she wants and uses those rolling skills to get it!
She is just so aware of her surroundings now.
LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVES big bro.  She literally looks at him like he is the COOLEST thing in the world!
She is nearly impossible to get dressed or change her diaper.  Flip flops ALL OVER the place. 
She HATES, HATES getting dressed up.  And shoes.
Her favorite toy is...wait for it...BALLS!  Haha.  She is going to be daddy's sports girl we think.
She is eating food two times per day.  Brown rice cereal mixed with a veggie or fruit and she is getting better with all of it...loves bananas, prunes, zucchini, sweet potatoes and is also eating peas, pears, green beans (all mixed with prunes to cover the taste). 
She is OBSESSED with puffs and really does so good with them!  For not having any teeth and none looking like their coming in the near future, I am happy that she does so well with just her gums.  ;)  She makes the funniest noise when she thinks she is going to choke and somehow it does prevent her from doing so.  She is soooo stinkin' quirky, it is hilarious!
Still nursing and gets one formula bottle at night.
Sleep--we will not even go there about night time...ALL.OVER.THE.PLACE!  But naps are twice a day.  Around 10ish and 2ish.  Afternoon can be anywhere from 1-2 hours which is FAB!!!!
She LOVES her daddy now and lights up whenever she sees him!
She loves the songs This Old Man and Wheels on the Bus.
She is wearing 9-12 month clothes.  But some 6 month pants.
Her hair is growing daily...a light brown and we think her eyes are actually my color...hazel green/blue.
Her smile lights up our lives and her personality keeps us laughing and on our toes.  LOVE my sweet girl!  HAPPY half year!!

Key West :-)

What a MUCH NEEDED break!  And awesome bonding time with the hubby!
Gigi and Pop arrived at noon on Thursday.  It was bitter sweet because it was just soooo amazing to see them, but we knew we had to leave in less than 24 hours so we made the best out of the short time we had with them.  Liam started shaking when he saw them at the airport...he was SO excited!  It was honestly the sweetest thing I had ever seen.  Rowan was a bit overwhelmed at first and I had to pull over on the way home to calm her down because she was so upset in the backseat.  From that point on, though, she was good to go! 
I was so happy Rick had taken off of work that day, so we returned home to a freshly mowed lawn and sparkling clean house (my ANAL hubby!)  ;) 
We spent much of the day showing them around to all of the kids' stuff and also had time to do some grilling and have some drinks on the back patio before night-night time.  It was a great day and although it does break my heart that we cannot see them more often, it was an amazing opportunity for them to spend this 4 day alone time with their grandchildren and we are so grateful for the whole thing.
Here are some Thursday pics:
 Gigi and Rowan
Pop and his sweet girl~!
Friday morning we headed to the airport at 7 am for our 9:30 flight...aaaaaaaand headed back to the house for my breast pump at 7:15...of all things, how did I forget that?!?!?  ;)  Our flight was on time and we were so relaxed for the first time in SOOO long!  I read 100 pages of my book and Rick read some magazines my dad had given him and took some naps. 
Why yes, we DID neeeeeeeed sleep!  ;)
We landed in Miami at 1:00 pm and headed to the bar to have our first drink of vaca.  DELISH!  Key West puddle jumper took off at 3 pm and we landed on the beautiful island right on time at 3:30.  Quick showers and out to meet our friends we had not seen in sooooo long!  We did dinner and drinks and did not get back to the hotel til 1:30 am.  WHOA that was a LATE night for these two old folks!  ;)
Me and Jenn :-)
Some of the boys!
Saturday we relaxed by the pool (Rick got FRIED!!!!) all day and then headed to the wedding at 4:30.  It was BEAUTIFUL!  At the Casa Marina Hotel.  GORGEOUS!  The boys were a little hot in their suits during the ceremony, but they made it through. 
The Groom!  And his bro behind him!  They are both Rick's very good friends from college. 
I mean....GORGEOUS!!!
Rick and I ready to party!  ;)
The wedding was so much fun and the food was DELISH!  I am so lucky Rick does not eat seafood because I got his shrimp, the size of a lobster.  OMG!  It was so good.
Sunday we met Jen and Matt for breakfast.  Jenn headed to the airport and then Matt, Rick, and I did some shopping and a bit of a Sunday funday.  We were back to the hotel by 9, but the boys were DEFINITELY not feeling any pain!  ;) 
Monday was our last day but we made the best of it.  Conch Republic for lunch, some exploring, listened to some live music and even had a drink at the airport bar..which by the way, has an outside sand area.  AWESOME!  In another life, I want to live in Key West.  All went smooth with our flights and we landed at DFW at 11 pm.  My parents flew out at 6 am the next morning. :(  THANK GOODNESS they got in when they did though because we had some major tornadoes in the area later that day.  YIKES! 
Report on the kiddos--Liam was great the first day and then got very quiet and my parents felt like he was really sad and missing us.  :(  Rowan was a HAM the whole time and ate up EVERY minute of the attention.  Liam is still calling me Kelly and wants to wear his crocs to bed, but Rowan has finally started sleeping a bit after 4 days.  BUT, I would not trade any of it for the world!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Camera :(

I am dying to post about Key West and a few other going-ons, but our camera is currently charging...we HOPE we will be able to get all of the pictures, but it has been two days and it is still dead.  PRAY it starts working SOOOOOOON! 

This week has been EXHAUSTING getting back into the swing of things.  Rowan is a MESS!  Waking up SIX, yes, SIX times last night.  :(  And refusing to nap longer than 20 minutes at a time.  Her gums are not swollen, so I am guessing she just misses Gigi and Pop.  But, I feel like I need another vaca already!  ;)  Liam was a TAD spoiled and is calling me Kelly and having an obsession with all of his shoes, but as of today, he seems back to his sweet self. 

We have a wedding tomorrow night which should be fun...a friend Rick works with.  It is at Los Rios Country Club so we get to get all dressed up again and have some fun without kiddies.  Vicki is coming to watch Rowan and Liam and we are SUPER thankful for that since we have to leave before they are in bed.  Saturday we are dying some eggs, doing some yard work, grocery shopping, and out to dinner or grilling...then playing the Easter Bunny.  I was able to run out this morning and get a bunch of stuff for their baskets.  I feel so disorganized--I am NEVER this last minute, but we are all set.  Easter Sunday we usually always go out to brunch.  Because Rowan's schedule is all over the place, I have been hesitant to make reservations.  We will just see how Church and the morning goes.  No other plans after that!  Well, other than an egg hunt for Liam here.

Update on my bro--he is doing REALLY well.  Opening up about a lot of stuff and my parents will go on Sunday to see him.  Kristen went to see him last weekend and said it was super sad, but that she felt good about the direction he was going. 

I miss my parents so much again.  It is so hard to see them (and especially for such a short amount of time) and the way Rowan and Liam light up in their presence.  June 23rd cannot come soon enough! 

Happy Thursday!