Sunday, September 16, 2012

Fall is here!

So what a fuuuuun weekend!

Ok!  So got a groupon for SEARS...yes Sears of all places.  42 dollars and lots of pics.  AND I think they did a great job.  Getting everyone out on Saturday morning at 9 am was a challenge, but we made it and it was GREAT!

So after the pics, I had a baby shower for my sweet friend Ashlea who will have twin boys in a few short weeks!!!  Amazing shower at Patrizios and cannot wait to meet the little men!!

After, we headed to Grapefest.  The kids took pretty good naps while I was gone and we were really excited for a fun festival!

Then, we forgot shoes for that she is walking, I just ALWAYS FORGET that she needs shoes when we go out.  SOOO, we made a pitstop at Grapevine Mills to get shoes that were so big for her...a size 5, but they were good for the night and will get use in the future.  ;)

Above, is a pic of us playing in the kid, we were sooooo looking forward to this but had NO IDEA how crowded it would be on a Saturday afternoon...not too fun navigating the double stroller through the crowds and then we went the wrong way to the kids area and had to treck all the way back to exactly where we had come in!  AGH!  But at least they had good wine and beer to make it all bearable.  ;)

Rowan had SOOOO much fun in the kids area.  Liam had some meltdowns but he has had a cold, so was not in the best of moods.  :/  Anywho, it was great to see the both of them have such an overall great time while at the same time WE (mama and dada) could be outside AND sip some wine---PERFECTION!

Rowan LOVED the animals!
And Liam LOVED dancing and listening to the acoustic music...has his mom heart!  I LOVED that too.   The kiddos ran around and we sat at the table and sipped some wine...well, chased them too, but it was still the most relaxing part of the festival and they had a GREAT TIME!
And sister is always in the mix...kinda feel bad for Liam, but at the same time, he is SOOO sweet with her and they really are best of friends!

So, today was relaxation, but very productive!
We went to church.  We all made a trip to home depot. We came home for lunch.  The kids went down for naps.  I went out for a pedi (for out FL trip on Wed. to my parent's condo, WITH my parents!!!  WHOOT WHOOT!)  Rick decided to SCRUB our tile floor with grout cleaner and spackle a bunch of things around the house.  This stuff somehow makes him so happy...more power to ya buddy!  ;)

Then, after nap we took a trip to get some treats and toys for the plane and some fall decorations for the house.  It was so much fun decorating this year.  Liam just "gets it" and I am SOOOO looking forward to Christmas for that reason!!!!
Here is our "Fall" mantel (sp??)

FUN!  Love love love this time of year! 

We have such a great week ahead of us.  Rick is done work on Tuesday.  We head out to Florida on Wed. thru Sunday!!!!  My parents will be at their condo and we are super excited to spend some time with them and also have some fun times in FLORIDA!

Have a great week all!!!

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