Thursday, August 30, 2012

2 years and 8 months old

Not a huge fan of pictures these days...can ya tell?  ;)

Liam, where is the time going????  You are now able to ride your tricycle with some help from mommy and daddy.  You pedal like a champ, but it is a little tough going up hills.

Today, you got a big boy spikey haircut and just look so super cute and OLD!!!!!!!!!!  ;/

You are talking up a storm now.  You LOVE acting like a "daddy" to froggy and baby and telling them what they should NOT be doing.  "No push" is a fave...hmmmm, wonder if you have heard that a FEW times from your mommy???  ;)  You also like to help Rowan a lot.  You get her binkies for her and give her dolly is she is sad.  You also say "no cwy baby, kay"  aka  "do not cry baby, it is ok"  You wake up in the morning and sound like a broken record for a good 2 hours to mommy's ears though!!  I am so proud of you.

You start school in 1.5 weeks.  Meet the Teacher is September 11th (daddy's bday) and Thursday is your first day.  So excited for you to start.  You are SO much more mature this year and just seem really ready to go to school.

Some of your favorite things include:  tools, baseball, soccer ball, pushing froggy in the stroller or shopping cart, drawing and stickers, and trucks and cars have become popular again.

You LOVE to push your own cart at Market Street and you stay with me very well.  We have had a few miscellaneous items show up at checkout time though.  ;)

You know all of your colors...sometimes get pink and purple and yellow/green confused.  You can count to 5.  You recognize the letters E, T, Z, P, and not totally sure what others.  You are working on learning preposition words  (over, under, behind, next to, etc) and opposites..big/little, open/close, etc.

You loooooove to tell me, or anyone for that matter, when something is yours by saying "mines". ;)

I am so proud of the sweet, sensitive, caring and happy little boy you have become.  I love you with all of my heart buddy!

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