Thursday, August 23, 2012

A Tribute to Melmo Fish and some more...

Melmo Fish had been a little under the weather for a few weeks now.  He kept jumping out of the water almost like he was gasping for air...I know he is a fish, but I swear he was part amphibian.  We got him some new rocks, a new flower, and gave some extra love. ;) But unfortunately, at dinner on Monday night, we noticed that Melmo was upside down and floating.  :(  Rick flushed him after the kids went to bed and Liam did not notice....until today at breakfast.  He kept saying "Hi Fishy"  "Purple Fishy Bowl"  "Nice Fishy" and then it came..."Where fishy?"  Oh my....I told him fishy was sick for a long time and he had to go bye-bye.  But I went on to tell him we will buy another brother fish soon and he said he could pick any color he wanted...he wants purple, red, blue and green he said.  We will see if we can find that!  ;)  We will miss you Melmo fish...our first real pet.

On a happier note, Liam has been so cute an imaginative lately.  He talks and talks in his bed after we put him into bed at night and the things he comes out with are HILARIOUS!  "No push.  Time out froggy.  Be nice"  "Daddy go poo-poo??  Stinky daddy.  Yucky."  HA!  I could go on and on.  He has been seeming SOO old to me lately.  I cannot believe he will be THREE in a few short months!  Here is my little man with my shoes on before bed.  He will forever have a shoe fetish I think...kinda like his mama!  ;)
he is so darn cute!!!!

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