Monday, May 14, 2012

Mother's Day Weekend

What an amazing weekend.  I feel like Mother's Day is like a second birthday now!  Rick made it extra special.

Friday afternoon we headed to Kristi's house for a playdate with Emmie, Blake, and Jett.  It was lots of fun for both Rowan and Liam.  Rowan just loves watching the big kids and Liam always has fun with Emmie and her toys!  The train set is a big hit and it was funny to see how different the boys play with it as opposed to the girls.  Thank goodness Mr. Ken knows how to put it back together!!!!  ;) 

We had burgers on the grill that night and both kids were in bed pretty early.  Rick and I got a few last minute things together for the garage sale the next morning.  (I actually put like zero effort into getting prepared, but still made 20 bucks on a rainy Saturday morning, so I cannot complain too much!) I was in bed by 10 and read my book for a bit and it was a good thing because Rowan was up again at 1 and 4 and 5!  She did cut two teeth last week and has just wanted to be held--not really grumpy, just needing comfort.  I do love the extra hugs and kisses, even if they are in the wee hours of the night!!!

Vicki arrived at 7:30 on Saturday morning and we were all set up in my garage by 8 for our first customers.  We only had 4 cars all morning ;) but she made 27 dollars and we were able to just hang out and chat for 4 hours so it was fun!  Rick took Liam to Piper's bday party from 10 til noon and Rowan hung with us for a bit and then took a nap from 11:15 til 12:15.  It was a great morning, even despite the rain.

We did lunch and naps and I went out for a run with Mother's Day present #1--an Ipod!  FINALLY!  Some form of technology and a great way to make my runs a little more fun!!!  I did 5 miles while listening to some awesome music Rick downloaded for me.  5:00 was church and both kids were down for the night at 7:45.  Our babysitter arrived at 8 and Rick and headed to downtown McKinney for some drinks and apps.  We started at the landon winery and did a tasting for 5 dollars each!  Then, checked out Churchills and got a bite to eat.  Next, was Grottos...a little weird but some good music and our fave came last...Cadillac Pizza Pub with an awesome band and some yummy beers.  We were home by midnite, but had a great date night.

Sunday morning, I slept in a bit, woke up to a pedi gift certificate and adorable homemade cards.  Rick cooked breakfast for us and then we headed to the park.  After, we decided to check out Angelina's on the lake for lunch because it was such a beautiful day outside.  WILL NOT BE BACK!  Ugh.  Dirty and food was awful.  In addition, Rowan exploded out of her diaper and ate naked, so they may not want us back anyway.  ;0  It was still a fun time with the fam, with some good laughs, and a yummy margarita.

The kids fell asleep on the way home while I ran into target so naps were done!  ;(  We all know how that goes...30 minute catnaps = no relaxation for the parents in the afternoon.  UGH again, but we did manage to have some fun outside and before we knew it, it was dinnertime!  NY strip on the grill, corn on the cob, asparagus, garlic bread, and LOBSTER TAILS---YUMMO!  Liam loves himself some steak now and ate 3/4 of mine!!!!  We did baths and both kiddos were out by 7:15.  Rick and I were also in bed asleep by 9:30.  Such a fun weekend!

You may ask why no pictures??!??!  Well, my camera was left at the Derby party LAST Saturday and I did not even realize until yesterday!!!  We will have it back on Wednesday and I will annoy again with pics, but for now just a quick update!!!  :-)  Happy Monday!

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