Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Rowan Carley Blake--7 months!

I just love this girl!  I feel so bad that I forgot to post last week for her big 7 month bday!!!!  She is doing so many new things it is crazy.

She is making more sounds that sound more like words rather than screaming.  ;)  She said what sounded like mama while putting herself to sleep in her crib today at naptime!!!!  :-)

She is getting up on all 4s and rocking but still retracts back to her little scoot. 

She is pulling up on the bottom step and and the pottery barn kids' chairs--perfect heights for practice!

She is a great napper.  2 times per day--usually a short one in the morning and an 1.5-2 hour nap around 1:30.  But you are also very flexible as far as the time, which is very nice!

She is still not sleeping through the night.  Usually up at least 2 times at 1:15ish and 5ish then 8 for the day.  But every night is SO different! 

Mommy is weaning from nursing.  We are down to 3 times per day.  5 am, nap, and night.  I think I may be having a harder time than you!!!  :(  Hope by June 7th to be done!

She is becoming a better eater.  LOVES baby mum mums and puffs...and I have been getting a lot more of a variety of fruits and veggies in you through the happy baby pouches.  You even tried sweet potato and turkey the other day and gobbled it up!  Cereal is definitely your fave as well as squash and bananas.

She cut two teeth!  Craziest thing...we were just at the drs. 2 weeks ago and he said they were a long way off!  Last week, I thought you looked a little swollen and sure enough on Friday one broke through and yesterday, the other did!  It is your two bottom middle teeth--same as your bro.  He actually cut them on the exact same day which is crazy!  May 10th!  Only he was only 4.5 months and you are 7.  :-)

You are such a lover...want to be held all of the time still.  You even give little open kisses and snuggle so well on mommy's shoulder.  You are waving and clapping now by bringing your hands together.

Favorite toys include...remote controls, notebooks (of course!), balls, anything with buttons, anything that rattles, keys, water bottles, empty containers of any sort.

We are loving watching you grow and learn!

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