Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Children and Food

Feeding children can certainly be such an ordeal, but it is NOW definitely one of my favorite things to do!!!  I NOW love learning their likes and dislikes.  I even love my silly little girl's gags when she is sure to make certain she dislikes something!  And understanding Liam's constantly changing menu is always an adventure. 

Overall, Liam has always been a pretty great eater.  Up until the age of one, he ate ANYTHING I put in front of him.  This is when mama learned a HUGE lesson and realized they do not need to eat EVERYTHING organic and everything in each of the different food groups at least once a week (yep, I was almost that bad!).  When he hit age one, I can NOW look back and realize so many of his food aversions had to do with numerous ear infections, swollen adenoids, and molars coming in, but he hit a wall and literally lived on goldfish and milk for about 3 months.  Holding food in his mouth and refusing to swallow, we were very close to taking to him for food therapy.  But, he came around!  And as I have learned NOW, they ALWAYS DO!!!!!  ;)  Last Fall, Liam ate ANY veggie I put in front of him and hated carbs.  Last winter, Liam HATED meat, ate most veggies, and ALL fruits, but not too many carbs.  Now, in the spring, he LOVES meat and carbs, hates all veggies and fruit.  Love my little man.  ;)  I sure do love giving him his "treats" too...usually how I have to bribe him to get out of somewhere without a tantrum or just to reward him for being a nice big brother or "using his words".  His faves are cookies (which little does he know are nutrigrain bars) and ice cream!!!  Raisinets, fruit snacks, skittles and m & ms are some of his other faves!
Here he is...LOVES tacos and spicy foods...and using a "big boy" fork.  He will even eat buffalo wings--the HOT ones!  This was dinner tonight and he ate the meat and the taco shell.  No veg, rice, or fruit.  ;)  Duh--it is SPRING!!!!  ;)

In addition, it has been really cool watching Rowan and seeing how DIFFERENT she is from Liam in so many ways!  Food is just one example.  This girl will not eat ANYTHING!!  I tried a variety of things and have come to these conclusions.  1.  Every batch of homemade food is apparently very different and will all go bad because one certain little girl will refuse to eat certain batches.  2.  Cereal is fabulous...but ONLY brown rice cereal. ;)  3.   When you mix cereal flakes in with some fruits and vegetables, it makes her world a happy place!  3.  Mum mums are super cool!  4.  Water makes her gag.  ;)  5.  Pears must taste like lemons by the faces she makes.  The list could go on and on but you get the gist.  I sure am glad she is the second child because I have been able to laugh about it the whole way through instead of crying like I probably would have done with Liam!!!!   One thing I have had great success with and I hope she does not figure it out for a LONG time, is by giving her those organic pouches of mixed fruits and veggies (which btw are NOT cheap--high maintenance much???), I am SNEAKING so many great things into her...granted it all needs to have some form of cereal or milk in it, but none the less, she is eating it!  We are going to start finger foods now and part of me is a little sad...such a milestone and just reminds me once more she is getting SO big SO fast! 
And this is Rowan at dinner...ignoring me and her sippy cup of water and even her puffs.  Did not want to eat tonight...okay girlie!  She will always make up for it at her FOURTH meal.  It is her fave....cereal before bed.  ;)  And if only it would help her sleep through the night, mama would be a happy camper! 
And, DUH, brother's cup of water is super cool!  Just need to hold it the right way!  ;)

Love these be continued :-)

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